Membership Categories

The following categories of Membership are established in the Association:

  • Registered Member
  • Associate Member
  • Intern Member

Click here to apply for the above categories. *Note - when applying for above categories, all accepted applicants will initally be placed in the Intern membership category until experience required can be verified/obtained. 

  • Student Member

Click here to learn more about a student membership.
Click here to apply.

  • Inactive Member
  • Retired Member

In order to transfer your membership to Inactive or Retired please contact the IDA office.

  • Fellow Member
  • Honourary Member

The above membership categories are granted through the IDA Council and cannot be applied for.


Registered Member

Registered Membership is the highest level of professional qualification for interior designers in
Alberta. It affords individuals, so qualified, full rights within the Interior Designers of Alberta,
Interior Designers of Canada full membership and rights within that organization and professional
reciprocity in all other Canadian interior design associations. It is the standard of excellence for
the interior design qualification for the public and profession alike.

Please see the attached for Application Requirements and Critria for being a Registered Member. 

Registered Membership Requirements and Criteria

Intern Member

Intern Membership is intended to bridge post-secondary education and Registered or
Associate membership. During this period individuals gain verified experience and complete
examinations that are necessary for Registered or Associate membership.
Intern Members, on the path to Registered membership, also hold Intern membership in the
Interior Designers of Canada by virtue of their IDA membership and can avail themselves of the
various programs designed specifically for Intern Members.

Please see the attached for Application Requirements and Critria for being an Intern Member.

Intern Membership Requirements and Criteria

Associate Member

Associate membership is intended for those practioners who do not qualify or choose to become
Registered Members, but wish to maintain an ongoing professional relationship with the interior
design profession.

Please see the attached for Application Requirements and Critria for being a Provisional Member.

Associate Membership Requirements and Criteria

Student Member

Student membership is intended for individuals who are enrolled in a post-secondary interior
design education program. It offers a means for individuals to become familiar with the
profession and professional associations and to interact with practioners prior to graduation.

Please see the attached for Application Requirements and Critria for being a Student Member.

Student Membership Requirements and Criteria

Fellow Member

A Fellow Member is a current or former Registered Member or Associate Member who has been nominated by the IDA Council and has made outstanding contributions to the Association, has made outstanding contributions to the profession of interior design, is of good character and adheres to the ethical standards of the Association, and has been a member in good standing for a minimum of fifteen cumulative years, not including the years when they chose to be on leave.

 Inactive Member

Inactive membership is intended for individuals who will be away from the profession for a period of time but who wish to retain their current membership designation upon return to the profession. This category of membership is open to Members for a maximum of ten consecutive years. Upon return to the profession and the IDA, Inactive Members do not have to qualify for membership under current standards but are re-admitted to their previous category of membership.

Inactive Membership Requirements At-a-Glance

Retired Member

Retired membership is intended for former Registered and Associate members who are not longer permanently engaged in the profession but who wish to retain a connection to the profession.

Retired Membership Requirements At-a-Glance


Membership Fees

  Category  Application Fee*    Annual Fee  
  Associate 50.00 325.00
  Registered 50.00 325.00
  Intern (up to 3 years)   50.00 280.00
  Intern (after 3 years)   50.00 375.00
  Student --- 30.00
  Retired --- 80.00

NOTE: GST is not included *application fees are non-refundable